
Make sure you’re using Chrome

We recommend using the latest version of Chrome on your desktop or laptop computer. Online Appointments is currently not available for the iPhone or iPad.


Check your internet speed

Check your internet connection at You will need a result of 15Mbps or higher. If you’re seeing a number measured in Kbps, that’s not good news. If your internet connection isn’t great, you will have the option to lower the quality, shut off the video or do an audio only session.

allow jane to access microphone.png

Follow prompts from the software, Jane

Jane is the online software that we use for all appointments. You will need to allow it to access your camera and microphone (just like a Zoom call).

Can I confirm I scheduled myself?

Yes! Just like a regular appointment, you can see your upcoming appointments when you go to the booking software. It will say you have an upcoming appointment (you will also have an email confirmation - use that link to join the Telehealth call when you’re ready.